Stressing the Importance of Comfortable and Protective Shoes to Your Employees

Does footwear make a difference on the job? Many of those who look into workplace safety in detail know that it does! But not everyone thinks about the importance of wearing the right shoes to work. Lots of HR people have codified rules in dress code policies, but a good number of companies could benefit from a little bit more awareness of why those policies exist, and why it’s important to wear the right supportive or protective footwear to a job.


Wearing the wrong shoes can result in numerous kinds of health conditions. First, there’s blistering, as well as corns and bunions. There’s also the potential for neurological or mobility problems that develop due to poor arch patterns. In general, people can tend to get sore and tired when wearing shoes that are uncomfortable and spending long hours standing or walking in a workspace. Rather than giving a worker one more thing to complain about, it makes sense to promote the use of comfortable footwear at work, because in a lot of cases, it can help with productivity and general wellness.

Sensible Shoes

Another area in which footwear is important is in supporting balance and mobility. Too many workers may decide to skimp on shoe costs and wear simple, flimsy flats or cheap loafers into a workspace only to have problems later as they slip, trip or fall, stub their toes or even sprain ankles because of a lack of friction, or in a situation where they were in too much of a hurry and overextended their range of motion. At the same time, heels may be a problem for women — they simply don’t promote the balance that it takes to perform a range of job duties well. Heels are stylish, and some companies may even promote the idea of wearing heels to work, but in the end, it makes more sense to wear shoes that are both comfortable and support balance, even for jobs that aren’t especially labor-intensive.

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Protective Footwear

In some kinds of jobs, protective footwear is especially important. Many staffing companies and HR departments will recommend or even require steel toed boots for jobs where workers will be carrying or working with heavy materials or equipment. Steel toed boots and other protective footwear can be considered a category of Personal Protective Equipment or PPE — labor departments even have laws about the distribution of PPE to workers. Just like other things such as helmets, goggles and gloves, steel toed or protective work boots play a vital role in protecting front-line workers in manufacturing, construction and various industrial types of jobs.

These are just some of the reasons why it’s important to promote the right dress code at a job. Sometimes, third-party staffing services can play a role here. While introducing temporary workers to a new role, they can recommend or promote a certain dress code, or tell temporary people that they need to have certain items when they set foot on the job floor.

About Full Steam Staffing

Full Steam Staffing is a full-service staffing agency focused on providing clerical and light industrial staffing solutions to manufacturers, distribution centers and other organizations that need qualified, reliable workers. If you are currently looking to hire and grow your workforce, contact our team of skilled recruiters today!